Bob McDonald
The Fund’s Annual Alumni Award (which was first awarded in 2022) recognizes Alumni who are generous to the Ouimet Fund in “time, talent, and treasure” in a meaningful way. Beginning at next month’s presentation, this award will now officially be named the Robert P. McDonald Alumni Award.
A member of the original group of Ouimet Scholars in 1949, Bob McDonald was embedded in the fabric of our organization’s growth his entire life. Bob grew up caddying at The Country Club and used his Ouimet Scholarship to attend MIT.

McDonald, far right, served as a Board Member and Trustee of The Ouimet Fund.
Throughout his life, he remained an integral part of the Anders Caddie Alumni Committee, served as a board member and then trustee of the Ouimet Fund, offering decades of support, both personally and through his company, Erland Construction. Bob was a dedicated and generous Banquet sponsor each year and also oversaw construction of the original Ouimet Fund offices in 1975. He, along with their sons, created the Bob and Elaine McDonald Family Scholarship in 2018.
Bob passed away in 2022 and his family proudly carries on that legacy with their support of the Ouimet Fund’s mission. The Fund will now continue to publicly recognize the strong participation of Alumni across the country to inspire future generations of graduates to pay it forward as Bob did!
The presentation of the naming of the award will be held at a special reception for the recipients and creators of named endowed scholarships, including Bob’s family, in June.

In 1949, Bob McDonald, right, presented a poster to Francis Ouimet that was signed by all 13 of the first class of Ouimet Scholars.